*Emergency Well Pump Repair 'Residential & Farm' -
$190* service call weekdays regular hours.
$250-275* service call nights and weekends.
$275* service call holidays.
$190 Coliform Bacteria Water Sample.
$285 Required Legal Pump Change samples- bacteria, nitrate, arsenic.
$400-$450 Property transfer state legal Well inspection -for sale of home-; with one well on property; Required coliform bacteria, nitrate and arsenic samples.
$450 Property transfer above Add Lead Plus combined Nitrate and Nitrites samples.
$190-$250 Simple Well Chlorination.
$224 Permit recert. inspection & sample for town,village,city to keep well.
*Includes trip charge and up to 1/2 hour for diagnosis and repair,
For an hour's time see 'Business & Comunity' service below.
$500-$600 Batch well chlorination, 375 gallon ph adjusted solution and chlorate well before introducing solution.
*Emergency Well Pump Repair 'Business & Community' -
$250-$275* service call weekdays regular hours.
$275* service call nights and weekends.
$275-$300* service call holidays.
$475+ Property transfer Well Inspection -as above-.
$190-$250 Coliform Bacteria Water Sample.
$285-$315 Required Legal Pump Change samples- bacteria, nitrate, arsenic.
$$190-$350 Simple Well Chlorination.
$500-$700 Batch well chlorination, 375 gallon ph adjusted solution and chlorate well before introducing solution.
*Includes trip charge and up to an hour for diagnosis and repair.
General Pump Pricing Link